Within the framework of communication and joint efforts between the Egyptian-African Businessmen Association and the strategic partners of entities and institutions to support Egyptian investments with African countries, we have been received from the Agreements and Foreign Trade Sector to circulate to the members of the association the letter of the Professor, Dr., Minister of International Cooperation regarding the strategic plan for the reconstruction of the state of Mali 2022 /2031 in French
Where the speech included the plan of the government of the State of Mali to advance the country in accordance with the Africa Agenda 2063 and the vision of the ECOWAS 2050 gathering, in 5 axes, which are (government, political and institutional reforms – defense, security, peace, reconciliation and social cohesion – economic growth and sustainable development – human capital, reconciliation and social cohesion – youth, sports and culture handicrafts, tourism and citizen building)
The third axis of economic growth and sustainable development included improving the system for preparing agricultural lands, industrial zones, and special economic zones, implementing a program to support sources of economic growth, and organizing production sectors by developing interconnected and competitive value chains at the international level.
A copy of the plan is attached
خطاب قطاع الاتفاقيات والتجارة الخارجية
book12 (1)
If there any suggestions in this regard, please write them to be sent to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry