An invitation to members to share with us important events in their institutions to prepare the association’s annual newsletter

In continuation of the journey of work and serious giving towards building a strong entity within the Egyptian and African financial and business community capable of achieving current and future goals, it works day and night to serve members and colleagues, achieving a new, pivotal, purposeful, systematic role and many balanced general goals that fully benefit the member and the targeted countries all the way. all over the continent,

The Egyptian African Businessmen Association invites you to share with us the important events in your institutions in order to prepare the Association’s 2023 annual bulletin for widespread dissemination in the financial and business community. Therefore, we ask the members to prepare a file (word) that includes the following and upload it in the field designated for it

  1. Name of the event
  2. A photo of the event
  3. A summary of the event in 50 words

Knowing that the deadline for submitting your company’s activities is November 1, 2023

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.


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