The Egyptian-African Businessmen’s Association headed by Dr Yousrey Elsharkawi Under the patronage of the Egyptian Minister of Agriculture, Mr. El Kassir, Major General Khaled Fouda, Governor of South Sinai, organized A conference entitled (The future vision of African agriculture and its role in supporting intra-regional trade and promoting development), This great event, which took place in one of the conference halls in Sharm El-Sheikh, was organized in parallel with virtual platforms and a live broadcast online, which intensified the follow-up from more than 15 African countries. Simultaneously, the broadcast was carried out on social media platforms, and the number of followers and attendance, whether in the hall or electronic follow-up, and viewers reached more than 5,000 Africans from different African countries and various disciplines. On the 8th of April.
Dr. Yousry ElSharkawi, chairman of the Association, expressed his happiness and gratitude to the political leadership, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. which strongly supports African cooperation, He thanked the distinguished speakers and guests of the opening session, They are led by Dr. Saad Nassar, Advisor to the Minister of Agriculture and former Governor of Fayoum, Who delivered a speech on behalf of the Egyptian Minister of Agriculture, Major General Staff Harb Dr. Khaled Metwally, Advisor to the Governor of South Sinai, Dr. Sayed Khalifa, Secretary General of the Federation of African Agricultural Engineers, Syndicate of Egyptian Agricultural Engineers, and the strategic partner in this distinguished international event.
El-Sharkawi confirmed at the end of the conference that speakers from Ghana, Sudan, Cameroon, Algeria, Morocco, and Egypt participated in it. With more than 15 speakers in three sessions.
The conference activities concluded with many recommendations monitored by the Agriculture Committee of the Egyptian-African Businessmen Association. Some of them are presented in the following points:
Supporting the role of African governments and calling on credit institutions, banks and international financing bodies to expand infrastructure financing operations with special programs for Africa in the fields of (transport of all kinds – energy – ports – airports – export terminals and logistic areas and commercial and public banks). And while continuing to support agricultural production projects programs in particular.

It is necessary to establish a single authority under the umbrella of the African Union and to have branches in all member states and to be concerned with certificates and credits related to agriculture, agricultural crops, animal production and food processing, In accordance with internationally approved standard and sound agricultural and manufacturing practices, Which facilitates intra-trade operations.
Expansion of modern applied agricultural technology education, Working to adopt unified standard standards for agricultural education in the continent ensures quality and competitiveness and provides qualified and trained manpower.
ElSharkawi confirmed earlier, The conference will be held in 3 sessions, starting with the opening session and two consecutive sessions, with the participation of a group of experts, professionals, technocrats, businessmen and women, and entrepreneurs from many of the previously mentioned African countries.
During the conference, El-Sharkawi stressed that the association’s role in the joint African work comes in more than 22 qualitative and specialized committees and works in more than one of the axes of finance, business, economy, and trade. Agriculture is one of the most important of these axes, especially since Africa is a continent with 60 percent of the arable land area worldwide and more than 80 percent of the agricultural labor force. One of the real sustainable development goals in Africa.