Dr. Yousrey ElSharkawy chairman of Egyptian African Businessman’s association signed, A tripartite cooperation protocol with the Agricultural Bank of Egypt, headed by Dr. Alaa Farouk, and General Federation of Egyptians Abroad headed by Ismail Ahmed Ali, On August 12th.
The protocol comes within the policy of the African Egyptians Association. that seeks to cooperate with various sectors and institutions; To achieve its main objectives, whether in Egypt or the rest of the continent.
The association confirmed that the protocol aims to support and develop agricultural projects in the governorates of Egypt. This is expected to help in increasing the agricultural area, The association members added that the protocol will create job opportunities for young people.
In a statement issued by the Agricultural Bank of Egypt, He emphasized his vast experience in the agricultural field. and that this expertise will be appropriately directed to its rightful places; To implement the provisions of the Protocol and achieve its objectives.
The cooperation protocol aims to finance agricultural projects in specific governorates. These are New Valley, Buhaira, Fayoum and Minya. He also emphasized the cooperation of the Association and the Agricultural Bank in the framework of the “Your Project is With Us” initiative; To exchange experiences with a view to the success of the targeted projects.
Dr. Yousrey ElSharkawy expressed his sincere happiness in cooperating with the Agricultural Bank of Egypt, He affirmed his great confidence in the success of the protocol and the implementation of the agreed projects. Pointing out that the association provides all agricultural information and announces all the initiatives presented by the Agricultural Bank to the members of the association.
Dr. Alaa Farouk confirmed that the bank will finance all agricultural projects in the agreed governorates. He added that the branches of the Agricultural Bank in those governorates will start receiving requests from investors. everyone who has a desire to obtain financing; To establish his agricultural project through the association.
During the signing of the protocol, Farouk praised the association’s role in promoting various investments, Whether in the agricultural, industrial or other sectors, Appreciating the efforts of the members of the Assembly on the continent as a whole, He hoped that this cooperation would be a new achievement in addition to the achievements of the association and the Agricultural Bank.